
So there’s this guy who reads romance novels…

No, this is not the set up to a joke...although I'm sure if I thought about it long enough I could make one up...but that would take away from the fact that there's ACTUALLY A GUY WHO READS ROMANCE NOVELS! And I'm proud to say I now call him "friend." And sometimes "fucking nutjob." But mostly the former.His name is Romance Man, or RM for short. But if you're like me and you're not real fond of ... Read the Post


That's right, friends, your eyes doth not deceive you! (Why did I switch to Shakespearean?)The amazing and taking-the-industry-by-storm publishing house,Entangled Publishing, has contracted me for a 3-BOOK DEAL with myparanormal romance trilogy, Prophesy of Souls! SQUEEEEE!!Liz Pelletier, co-founder of and senior editor at Entangled Publishing is my new editor. (OMG, I have "an editor!") She's one ... Read the Post

A Writer’s Guide to Avoiding Salesman Molestation

Today I was in Walmart when a young gentleman still ten yards away looked at me and said in an overly friendly voice, "Hello, ma'am, how are you today?"To which I sighed and mumbled, "Aw, shit."It's true the people down here in Texas are way friendlier than those in the north, but they're not that damn friendly. I wasn't even in his Social Zone yet, which can only mean one thing: he wants ... Read the Post