Hi, friends. I’m sorry to announce that the release for HOOK, book 2 in my Neverland Novels, has been postponed.
I won’t bore you with the details of the reasons for the delay (however, if you’re curious, there’s a video pinned in the Maxwell Mob where I explain what’s been going on with me; the update starts at the 30-minute mark), but suffice it to say, sometimes life doesn’t care about your writing schedule. Boo. 🙁
If you were one of the lovely people who pre-ordered Hook, I’m sorry to say that you’ll have to order it again once it releases in early summer. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. There won’t be a pre-order this time, just a go-live date. (If you are on the ARC Team, you’ll still receive an ARC whenever they’re ready before the new release date.)
Please know that it’s extremely important to me that you get the best story I can give you, so I don’t want to rush things just to get it out there faster. Hook and John’s book is shaping up to be the most epic story I’ve ever written, and I want to make sure that I get it right. Your continued support and understanding means a lot to me. I promise that it will be worth the wait!
The new release date will be announced at the same time as the cover reveal in late May. Again, I’m sorry for the delay, and thank you for your patience!
Literary love & kitten kisses,